These are some of the videos the students have made for over 4 academic years to talk about their lives. They are quite good so is their English command. Thank you for your effort!

These first videos are related to the project “WELCOME TO MY LIFE”. They are carried out by the students in 3rd and 4th of ESO. You can download the guideline to the project here:

Lila Pijuan
Anaïs Roca
Àlex Just
Nerea Trillo
Anna Onieva
Llibertat Martínez
Laia Lacasa, Noa Redondo, Dani Navas & Isaac Ramírez
Isis Giménez
Aida Barranco
Júlia Izquierdo

The videos you’re about to watch are based on two projects called LET’S SELL THAT STUFF! and MINI-SKETCHES. The students in 4th of ESO and Batxillerat were the ones who worked on them. I do hope you like them. Here you can download the guidelines:

Marc Blasi, Pol Cristòfol, Damià Tolsà i Isaac Ramírez.
Carla Mías, Andrea Chavarriga i Júlia Izquierdo
Anna Queraltó, Gerard Pons, Albert Rull i Àlex Sanromà
Isaac, Pol, Marc, Júlia i Andrea