3rd and 4th ESO ADS: “Let’s Sell Healthy Stuff”

LET’S SELL HEALTHY STUFF! WHAT? You’ll have to record and upload a video advertising a healthy product. The product can either be real or you can invent it. It should basically improve our lifestyle. You can record 2 ads or 1 long ad. We’ll watch some ads first so that you get inspired by themContinue reading “3rd and 4th ESO ADS: “Let’s Sell Healthy Stuff””


Here you can post your links to your videos on youtube. Talk about the book you’ve read and follow these steps to help you: Summarise the PLOT of the book:   Describe your favourite CHARACTER (physical and psychological description):   What’s the CLIMAX (the most important moment in the book)? Describe it:   How doesContinue reading “BOOKTUBERS 2020 2nd BAT”


The 4th of ESO “English as a second language” students have thought and designed the questions of a trivial which focuses on 7 topics related to 4 English speaking countries they have chosen: The Republic of Ireland, Canada, The United Kingdom and Australia. The topics dealt with are: Food History Traditions Symbols Celebrities Music GeneralContinue reading “ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES TRIVIAL MADE IN MONTSUAR”